Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gluten free panckes and waffles with Buckwheat Flour

So in between baking for clients, I bake gluten free and casein free for my family.  Buckwheat flour proof to be worthy in any kitchen and more so in a gluten free kitchen.  Many people think it is a grain but it is  a fruit seed and related to rhubarb. With the high protein, fiber, amino acids and vitamin B content it is a more filling that wheat flour and suddenly I do not feel bad feeding my kids pancakes and waffles in the morning!
So why not try it......
Pancakes or Crepe Recipe:
4 eggs
1 cup buckwheat flour
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup milk ( rice, hazelnut or cow)
1 tsp vinegar

Mix all the ingredients together with and electric mixer and either bake small pancakes or larger thin crepe like pancakes, both works well! Heat the pan with olive oil, about 2 tablespoons, and bake.  Do not heat the oil to smoking point try keep heat constant not too high! Enjoy.